by - 2:42 am

Happy birthday to you.. happy birthday to you.. Happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to you..

I'm officially 18 years old now.. Sudah bukan anak sekolahan lagi btw. Well, I used to feel excited when it comes to my birthday, cause Almarhumah Mama always made a -not-so-fancy birthday bash and YES I REALLY ENJOYED GIFTS haha. But as I grow older day by day, more things to think. And getting older now is not only about party, diceplokin telur, or something else. It's about being more responsibility for my future and I'm getting closer to my death's date (this is scary!!!)

And......This year, I'm gonna be a coed in Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS Surabaya).
For me, it's like...SURPRISE!!! That's far away from my dream, dari masih kecil sampe kemarin sih pengennya jadi dokter, tapi ternyata berjodohnya dengan Teknik. Indeed Allah has a better plan for me.

For my blog readers (if there's still a person who wants to waste their time reading my blog), please wish me a ton of lucks for my college life, cepet lulus&kerja (nikah juga:p)

ps: this is my second birthday without my mom, and alhamdulillah I'm strong enough then I ever think I'm.
Good night.

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