My new gear and Nipah Beach.

by - 9:11 pm

Hello world.
Alhamdulillah, thank you Ayah :) I finally have a new gear, Nikon d800 (since my last camera, Nikon d90, fell dawn and broken. It wasn't my fault, the wind did it-_- ). On march 17th, I went to Nipah and Malimbu Beach with Mama and Nurul. Well, karena ini cuman nyoba-nyoba kamera, I didn't bring tripod, filter or something like that. Cuman sekedar iseng foto narsis, it contains of self-potraits of us..

Some pieces of paradise are here, in Lombok. Visit us!
Bakal pergi ke suatu tempat kamis ini, see you on the next post, guys.

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