In a mess.

by - 9:06 pm

Really, this month is freaking me out. Suddenly I'm being a-girl-that-if-you-touch-me-I-can-bite-you. I still make an adaptation with my new school. I know, my junior high school is totally different with my new school. Junior high school was so relax, I don't really need to wake up in the midnight to do my homework. But in senior high school, when the teacher taught me I was like "Oh my Gosh, this is the hardest subject I've ever knew". And when the teacher gave us homework I was like "Surely I'm about going crazy right now". I know it's ridiculous but that's what I feel right now.

My schedule still crowded, so do My life. Every day, monday till sunday, I have a lot of schedules. Oh my goosssshhhhh, my brain is full of chemistry, mathematic, physic, biology, and hey the teachers are in my mind too lmao. Gosh, I don't know how to survive. My life is in a mess since 2weeks ago. Since teachers gave many homework but they didn't even feel guilty or anything. Feel like, I can't stand with this freaking homework any longer. But, that's make me a better person. You know what, if the teachers didn't gave us any homework, we couldn't be someone better. So, today I declare to my self that I can't be like a kid anymore, no more complain.

Lucky me, my mother always support me and so does my father. When I'm too mess to be true, I remember them. My family, my brother, my special friend, my old friends, and of course my new friend. They can accept me the way I'm. I love you my new friends, X-1.

Feels so lucky to have them.

Thanks for visiting.

Nisrina Hutti

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